Krejci Portfolio

Jack Krejci

Capstone Project

Capstone project made for Lewis University, created for Fairmont Community Partnership Group, Inc. Created for organizing volunteer events including creating schedules, letting users create profiles that includes their skills, etc. This website also contains different privileges depending on the type of users you are.

URL Source Code

The Shop

This is a project I created by myself to get more practice using React using the MERN stack to show items through a database on a shopping site and provide authentication.

URL Source Code

Password Generator

The purpose of this project is to create a web app allows a user to generate passwords, and save them to a user profile if created.

URL Source Code

Fairmont Project 2

A different version of the capstone project for Fairmont Community Partnership Group, Inc I made for my database class. where you can create and remove schedules by giving jobs to volunteers ran by a certain leader at a given time period. This version is also different in terms of the stack that was used to create it.

URL Source Code


This is the source code for my portfolio website that you are currently on right now, which has certainly taught me a lot more about CSS.

Source Code

Turtle OT Football

An overtime football game using the turtle graphics in python, with your controls being to either type 'r' or 'p' to run a running or passing play. You have a randomized chance of gaining or losing yards and if you score a touchdown you win, but if you run out of downs, you lose.

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Buffer Overflow Attack

A metasploit and non metasploit ruby program that performs a buffer overflow attack using an IP on a vulnerable server file.

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Picture Frame Editor

Java program allowing for a pop-up window that contains pictures, and the option to be able to add text to them, and edit other information on there such as the data created, and then save it permanently. For the purpose of practicing object-oriented programming at a higher level.

Source Code

Ascending BST Checker

Python program that creates a binary search tree and always prints it in ascending order and determines whether or not a certain given element is inside it.

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Linked List Reversal

A python program that uses singly linked list data structure to reverse a list and give you the third to last number.

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Battery Life Estimator

Python program for battery monitor in electric car to determine range it can travel taking the cars temp, speed, traffic conditions, and its climate control into consideration

Source Code

OOP Quizlet

A little quizlet application that uses a txt file to ask questions using Java, with the given questions mainly being about topics involving object-oriented programming.

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Realty Project

A Java application that creates realty information from information given to it in a txt file.

Source Code

Java Store Program

A store program made in Java that interacts with txt files to give correct information, and allow the user to add and remove items in a cart, then checkout and buy the items when the user decides to. There also may be certain sales, and deals on certain products as well.

Source Code

Python Jungle Store

A store simulation program called "The Jungle" written in Python, which gets its data from a txt file and allows the user to interact with the program to purchase items.

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A Java program that takes data from several txt files to create a simplified madlibs type of game that the user can interact with.

Source Code

Pizza Quest

Python game that involves you giving commands to the program to go a certain way in a room with the goal being to get the pizza that's in one of the rooms when losing health from getting stung by bees when moving to rooms or asking for help. Use the bear_map.txt file when asked to enter the map at the beginning.

Source Code

Port Scanner Program

Bash program with the purpose to allow for a user to enter a host name of a website, or ip, etc, and the host na use a basic TCP port scanner to check for what ports are up.

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Binary Tree Comparer

Python program that takes two binary trees and determines if they are equal along with checking how many times a certain element is in one of the trees.

Source Code

Server Stats Program

Ruby program that gives statistics of hostnames given to it in a txt file, the statistics being the amount of hosts that are using Apache, IIS, NGinX, or any other servers.

Source Code
Krejci Portfolio